lørdag den 24. november 2012

Turkey delight

What a great week. Kiera invited me over to her house in Salem over Thanksgiving break.


I meant to go there on Monday, and after cleaning the kitchen and doing the laundry and packing my suitcase, I left for Salem - or so I thought. Because when I got to the bus stop, the bus was not there yet, and when it finally came down the road (already 15 minutes late), the bus driver chose to ignore me and drove right past me. Angry though I was, there was nothing I could do about it, so I went back home in the pouring rain, and wrote an email to Kiera telling her about my bad luck, and another one to Stéphanie, the latter containing a dozen different varieties of the f-word. Then I prepared dinner.

I was eating my pasta, when out of the blue, someone knocked on the door. Imagine: heavy rain outside, me all by myself in a house on a deserted and pitch-dark campus, and when I asked who was there, no one answered. How relieved was I when I opened the door and outside stood Campo. They told me a Lena wanted to talk to me. I had no idea who Lena was, but it turned out to be Kiera's mom, who wanted to let me know that she would send a friend to pick me up, my own private chauffeur, if you want. When he picked me up, he asked me about where I was from, and in the ensuing conversation, he confused Vienna with Venice. Not only am I Australian, but Venetian, too.

Ersatz cat

When he dropped me off at Kiera's place, I met Kiera's mom and her 17-year-old brother and her 8-week-old cat.


Around noon, Kiera and I went to a café on a farm, and I had a latte and forest berry pie there. Kiera bought two deep-frozen pies because her mom had told her to, and then we went to the Capitol, where I snapped pictures of the Senate, the Governor's office, and the House of Representatives.

From there, we went to Kiera's highschool, and everyone there told me I looked familiar, and a couple teachers mistook me for a former student. Who knew I would have a doppelgänger on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean (well, actually, the Pacific)?


Kiera and I had lunch at her aunt's B&B in Stayton, and for dessert, we indulged in her insanely delicious chocolate soufflé cake. We went back home to pick up the kitten, and before taking it to the vet, we picked up Stéphanie at the Greyhound bus station.

Kiera's aunt's café
Look at all these delicious cakes and cookies

Kiera's cousin Mike and his roommate at OSU arrived later that afternoon, and together, we watched football for a while before gathering around the dinner table. After dinner, we all prepared pie crust for Thanksgiving dinner the next day, and then Patrick made caramel popcorn, and though I usually do not like caramel popcorn, his was really good... maybe because it was homemade.  

Pie crust
Patrick's caramel popcorn


Thanksgiving... Kiera's mom got up at 8am, and began cooking at 9am. Once she had stuffed the turkey and shoved it into the oven, she started preparing the yams. Meanwhile, I talked to my mom on Skype because it was her 50th birthday, and I talked to my cousin's 14-month-old daughter, too. :)

Later that day, Kiera, Stéphanie and I went for a walk, while the guys stayed at home playing video games. It had been raining for four days by then, so of course, the ground was muddy, and Stéphanie tripped, but fortunately, she did not fall because our shoes got dirty enough as it was. When we got home, we helped Kiera's mom prepare dinner. We made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole and carrots. At four, we put everything on the table, which bowed under the weight of all that food. And that is when the feast started.

The turkey... nom, nom, nom
Right before the feast

Because not only did we eat turkey and everything else on the table, but we had dessert, too: one slice of pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream, and one slice of apple pie à la mode. Kiera's mom had bought Umpqua Beaver Tracks Ice Cream, which was, excuse my French, fucking delicious... like everything else we had eaten that day. Oh, and we drank sparkling apple cider, which, to Stéphanie's and my utter disappointment, does not contain alcohol, but it was pretty good, nonetheless.

Pumpkin pie, apple pie? I cannot
decide which one is more delicious

All in all, my first American Thanksgiving was great... thanks to Kiera and her family. And the day had felt very Christmasy, partly due to the holiday spirit and partly due to radio stations starting to play Christmas carols that night.


We got up early to go Black Friday shopping. Patrick had gone to Best Buy the day before to get the new FIFA game (after waiting in line for four hours). That is why he stayed home, while Kiera's mom, Kiera, Stéphanie and I took off to Fred Meyer and Kohl's and Made in Oregon and Bath & Body Works and Macy's. At the former, we got free coffee and free doughnuts.

A Black Friday ad, or how to tell that you are in the US

When we got back, Kiera's mom took Mike and his roommate at OSU back to Corvallis, and I came along for the ride. On the way home, Kiera's mom let me get into the driver's seat, and, believe it or not, I drove all the way home, although it was raining cats and dogs, and it was pitch-dark, and you could not see a damn thing.

But we survived. And I rewarded myself with Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner and cookies for dessert.


Kiera's mom took us grocery shopping, and then back home, where we reunited with Nao, goofed around, and were our usual silly selves. And of course, we tuned in to the radio station that plays Christmas carols 24/7. Because after all, Christmas is only four weeks away. :)

I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving.        


mandag den 19. november 2012

RIP Twinkies

Nachdem ich die Woche weit mehr als gewöhnlich unterrichtet habe, bin ich am Wochenende auf den deutschen Christkindlmarkt gefahren und da ich nun einmal Australian-no-wait-Austrian bin (und wir wissen alle, dass Austrians dem Alkohol nicht abgeneigt sind), habe ich auf dem Christkindlmarkt zwei Flaschen Gewürztraminer eingekauft. Oh, and for lunch, I had eaten currywurst, while watching Tyrolean dancers performing a Schuhplattler.   

Weihnachtsdekoration im Einkaufszentrum

Wir waren aber nicht nur am Christkindlmarkt: Gudrun hat uns danach zu World Market geführt, wo ich Haßelnusskaffee, Lebkuchen und Oberskren eingekauft habe (have I already mentioned how much I love grocery shopping in the States?). Hätten wir mehr Zeit gehabt, hätte ich wohl eine der Christbaumkugeln gekauft, die es dort gab. Denn es gab von Base-, Basket- und Football-Bällen über Eulen, Igel, Katzen und Pfauen bis zu den roten Telefonzellen in London alles in Christbaumkugelform.  

Nach den Halloween- nun die Weihnachtsoreos

Während Stéph nach Frisco fuhr, nahm ich den Bus back home, eine der unheimlicheren Erfahrungen meines Lebens, denn offenbar sind die einzigen Personen, die in Oregon den Bus nehmen, Alkoholiker, drogenabhängig oder sex offender lookalikes. Und auf dem Heimweg von der Bushaltestelle fing es dann an zu regnen und hat seither nicht mehr aufgehört; it has been raining non-stop for two days, and the thought of building an ark has crossed my mind.  

søndag den 11. november 2012

Which wines do you drink in Australia? - How the fuck would I know?

It’s getting old. Bevor wir heute Wein verkostet haben, hat uns die Winzerin nach unseren IDs gefragt. Ich habe ihr meinen Pass gegeben und ihr Gesicht hat sich in ein großes Fragezeichen verwandelt, als sie darin "Österreich" bzw. "Austria" gelesen hat. Da Australia und Austria ja nur zwei Buchstaben trennen, hat sie sich wohl gedacht, es ist dasselbe Land (never mind the size of the former compared to the latter).

Ich habe mir wiederum gedacht, ich erspare es ihr und mir, sie vor allen Anwesenden auf ihren Fehler hinzuweisen, was aber zur Folge gehabt hat, dass sie mich wärend der Weinverkostung immer wieder gefragt hat, welche Weine denn in Australien (und New Zealand) getrunken, welche Trauben in Australien (und New Zealand) angepflanzt würden, wie das Wetter in Australien (und New Zealand) wäre, etc. You get the picture. 

When other people don’t make a fool of me, I do a great job making a fool of myself, z.B. wenn ich auf dem Weg zum und im gym in meinem Royal Tennenbaumschen Jogginganzug nicht nur einem, sondern gleich einmal sechs Studenten über den Weg laufe. (Taking into account my face blindness, the number might have been even higher.)

And to top it all off, I stood up my date tonight. Unintentionally, of course. Wir waren vor und nach der Weinverkostung einkaufen, zuerst am Saturday Market, dann in Real Deal (I bought the best smelling candle ever there), dann in ein, zwei Geschäften auf der 3rd Street, dann im Hallmark und zuletzt in WinCo. And when we finally got home, it was 5pm already, and I had had a date on 4pm, and the guy had probably waited at the café for a while, and all in vain.

Cupcakes at Saturday Market

Real Deal

Oh, und geluncht haben wir heute in einem amerikanischen Restaurant und Stéphanie und Vanessa haben Burger gegessen und instead of the typical burger buns, they were served Kaiser buns, and guess what those were? Semmeln. Which reminds me - am Freitag haben wir in Deutsch gelernt, wie man in einer Bäckerei einkauft (“Ich hätte gerne...” and all that crap, haha) und am Montag werden wir Einkaufsdialoge üben - und zwar with real food. Ich werd’ Fotos machen, es wird sicher lustig.  

Until then, habt einen guten Wochenanfang, bei euch ist so bald wieder Montag... Ich hab’ derweil noch einen Wochenendtag vor mir.  

søndag den 4. november 2012

A week like any other

This week has been exceptionally ordinary. I lost my keys, baked Linzer Schnitten, played Werewolf on Halloween, watched a French movie, watched a German movie, talked Danish with an American, played "Ich packe in meinen Koffer..."* in German class on Friday, had dinner at a Mexican restaurant, went to the gym, and bought a turquoise sweater. (This was my week in a nutshell.)

Herbst in Oregon

* The point was to teach them the accusative case.